About Us Embassy Permit

No. BAG/LAB/383/    /2011                                                                                    Date_________


(Name & address of Sponsor)


Dear Sir/Madam,

Please refer to your application for grant of a permit under chapter IV of the Indian Emigration Act 1983 to recruit and employ the following Indian worker/s:




Passport Particulars


Date of Issue

Place of Issue



















You are hereby granted this permit, effective from the date of issue indicated above, subject to the following conditions:-




This permit is not transferable.           


This permit is valid for a period of three months from the date of issue or the date of completion of recruitment whichever is earlier.



The Indian nationals recruited on the strength of this permit shall not be repatriated on the grounds that they do not possess the required skill.



The holder of the permit may obtain the assistance of only recruiting agents duly licensed by the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Government of India, under the Indian Emigration Act, 1983.




The employment agreement with the employee shall be signed by the holder of the permit and such agreement will be in conformity with the terms set out in the undertaking furnished by him/her and attested by this Embassy. In particular, the terms set out in the contract of employment actually concluded with the employee upon his/her arrival and registered with the concerned authorities of the Ministry of Labour& Social Welfare of the Government of Iraq shall not be at variance with those spelt out in the undertaking attested by this Embassy to the disadvantage of the employee.




The holder of the permit shall be under obligation to treat such contract entered into with the employee as enforceable under the Labour Law of Iraq. It shall be the sponsor’s responsibility to furnish one copy of the contract to this Embassy after the same has been registered with the Ministry of Labour& Social Welfare of the Government of Iraq after the arrival of the employee in Iraq.


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