About Us Announcement of 50 ICCR Scholarships slots under the Atal Bihari Vajypayee General Scholarship Scheme (A1201) (formerly known as General Scholarship Scheme) for the academic year 2024-25.

Embassy of India


Announcement of 50 ICCR Scholarships slots to Iraq under the Atal Bihari Vajypayee General Scholarship Scheme (A1201) (formerly known as General Scholarship Scheme) for the academic year 2024-25.

ICCR is pleased to announce 50 scholarships slots under Atal Bihari Vajypayee General Scholarship Scheme (A1201) (formerly known as General Scholarship Scheme) for the academic year 2024-25.

2.  Applications from interested Iraqi students for academic year 2024-25 are being invited online. The admission under ICCR scholarship scheme are being invited directly on ICCR’s A2A Scholarship Portal http://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in . (The Scholarship Admission Process Flow Chart is highlighted at Annexure-A). However, once the student has obtained admission on A2A portal and the Embassy has decided to award scholarship to the student, he/she may register on “Study in India” (SII) portal https://www.studyinindia.gov.in/   for obtaining Unique ID and further process including obtaining visa and registration with FRRO (Visa and registration with the FRRO are to be processed on SII portal). 

The timeline for applying for ICCR Scholarship would be as under:-

04 April 2024 

Opening of Portal for inviting applications from interested candidates 

15 June 2O24 

Last date for applicant to submit application on Portal 

30 June 2024 

Last date by which Universities are to inform the decision whether the
student is admitted or rejected (if confirmed, intimation to Missions. lf
rejected, intimation to students) 

15 July 2024 

Last date for Indian Missions abroad to decide on allocation of Scholarship
and generating Offer Letters 

25 July 2024 

Last date for students to confirm/reject acceptance of offer of scholarship 

1O August 2024 

Based on the number of acceptances in the first round (if acceptances are
less than the scholarship seats allocated) Indian Mission to offer Scholarship
to other students who were not considered in the first round. 

20 August 2024 

Second-round students to convey their acceptances

3. ICCR has rationalized the list of Universities/Institutes for scholarship and now there are 126 Universities/Institutes with ICCR for the AY 2024-25. The list of Universities/Institutes will be reflected in application Portal when opened.

4. Highlights of admission process are highlighted at Annexure-B.
