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Registration for Indians in Iraq.

Posted on: May 01, 2020 | Back | Print

Important Notice

Database on Indians to travel back to India under Covid-19 situation

Placed below is a form to only collect information to enable Government of India to plan for return of Indians from abroad in Covid-19 situation.

This form is to be filled by a single individual and mail the same at visa.baghdad@mea.gov.in at the earliest.

The decision on resumption of passenger flights to India will be taken in due course. Any announcement in this regard will be made on our website and social media channels. All conditions for travel, to be prescribed later, will need to be followed.

All rules and regulations of Government of Iraq on departure and Government of India on arrival will need to be strictly followed, especially those related to Covid-19.



Registration Form

Place of Residence


Date of Birth


Passport No. *

Compelling reason for travelling back to India *


Domicile in India, State/Union Territory *

Full address in India *

Mobile Number in (Iraq) *


Mobile Number in (India) *



Type of Visa *

Nearest International Airport in India *

State of Covid Test *

Would you be willing to give an undertaking for quarantine & also payment for the air tickets *



* Fields are mandatorily required.

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