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ICCR's AYUSH Scholarship Scheme for the Academic Year 2020-21.

Posted on: July 13, 2020 | Back | Print


ICCR’s General Scholarship Scheme for the Academic Year 2020-21

 The Embassy of India in Baghdad is pleased to announce the General Scholarship Scheme of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations for the Academic Year 2020-21. Under the Scheme, admission in various degree programmes and disciplines (undergraduate to Ph.D.  level) are offered by the various Universities in India to the Foreign Students who are interested to study in India. Under the ICCR’s general Scholarship Scheme, twenty slots have been allotted to Iraqi students for the Academic Year 2020-21. The Scheme does not cover Medical/Paramedical and Fashion Courses.

          Detailed information about ICCR’s General Scholarship scheme is available at  WWW.a2ascholarship.iccr.gov.in  and the interested candidates may submit online application at the www.a2ascholarhsip.iccr.gov.in. The print out of online application may be forwarded to the following at Embassy of India, Baghdad.

Nodal Officers for the course are:

Mr. Bhupendra Singh Nikhurpa
Second Secretary & HOC
Embassy of India, Baghdad
E-mail: hoc.baghdad@mea.gov.in

Mr. Atul Chandra
Embassy of India, Baghdad
E-mail: com.baghdad@mea.gov.in
